CH Huang
Clinical Social Worker
Name: Chiung Hsuan Huang (CH Huang)
Profession: Clinical Social Worker
Nationality: Taiwan
Language(s): Mandarin, English.
Degree(s): Master
Country Licensed: USA
SIMHA Membership Status: Clinical
Services / Specialties: Children and adolescents, play therapy, marriage and family therapy
Insurance: No
CH Huang, LMSW and National Health Care Provider(NPI) in U.S.A., is a private-practice counselor in Shanghai specializing in child and adolescent mental health and marriage and family relationship. She is also the registered Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) Facilitator.
A social worker by training, she has worked in the community health centers in USA; at Child Protective Services in Taiwan, and with asylum-seekers in Hong Kong. She has experiences with children and teenagers with emotional and behavioral issues, adults with marital/family relationships issues and mental disorders, personal growth and multi-culture issues.
CH Huang has obtained certificate training in child-centered play therapy, cognitive-behavior therapy, and Structural Family Therapy. She also completed the 2-year Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training.
Working Hours: 10am-8pm
Fee Ranges: 1200/hr (counselling)
Arrival Date/Departure Date: July·2019-present
Services / Specialties:
– Therapy: Play therapy for children/adolescent; Individual counselling, marriage and family counselling
– Groups: Circle of Security Parenting; Filial Play Therapy group; Social Emotional Learning group for young children,
– Workshops: Tangoing Relationship; Trilogy of Love; Stay Connected with Your Teen
Location: Puxi
District: Xuhui/ Channing
Work Address: Shanghai, China
Phone: 18883250750
Email: chhuang82@qq.com
Website: https://tinybot.cc/chhuang/ (Chinese)