Scott Shen
Social Worker
Name: Scott Shen (MSW)
Profession: Licensed Social Worker
Nationality: Chinese
Language(s): English ,Chinese , Shanghainese
Degree(s): Master of Social Worker
Country licensed: USA
SIMHA Membership Status: Associate
Services / Specialties Offered: Individual, couple and family therapy
Scott Shen is a Licensed Social Worker from the State of Ohio, USA. He has a Master of Social Work degree from the Ohio State University. During his work with children, adolescents and their families through several counseling agencies, Scott has extensive experience in individual and family therapy, dealing with a broad range of issues including cross-cultural issues, attention deficit, defiance, depression, anger management, grief and loss, stress, self-esteem and relationship issues. Through his work with clients Scott came to understand that various issues and difficulties are not all that clients bring to him, and that each individual or family has their own set of unique strengths and resources as well. This knowledge always helps Scott to aid clients with addressing their chronic issues and to find solutions together. Scott grew up in Shanghai and spent several years in Ohio for graduate school and work. He appreciates the difference between cultures and understands that living in a cross-cultural environment impacts every aspect of individual’s life and family dynamics. Therefore Scott focuses on the use of Mindfulness techniques and other client-centered psychotherapy models to assist his clients in unloading the tremendous stress they encounter daily. Scott speaks fluent Mandarin, English and the local dialect, Shanghainese. He is available in both Puxi and Pudong during the evenings and weekends.
Working Hours: Workday evenings and weekends
Fee Ranges: Please contact for fee information
Arrival Date /Departure Date: Oct. 2012 / No departure planned
Specialties: Cross cultural issues, attentiont deficit, defiance, depression, anger management, grief and loss, stress, self-esteem and relationship issues
Location (Puxi vs. Pudong): All
District: Huang Pu,Chang Ning, Pudong
Work Address 1: 1146 Biyun Rd, Tower B, 3rd Floor, Pudong
Work Address 2: No. 201 Sheng Lun Lan Builing, 5B, Lane 3215 Hongmei Lu, Changning
Phone: 139-1883-7148
Email: Scott.counselor@gmail.com